Friday, 26 February 2010

The origin of Rome, the capital of Italy

According to a fascinating legend, Romolo and Remo were the children of the God Marte and Rea Silva, who was the daughter of the king of Alba Longa Numitore. Numitore was deposed by his brother Amulio who forced Rea Silva to do vow of chastity.
King Amulio who knew of the birth of Romolo and Remo became furious and ordered to kill the children, but the servant who had to kill them wasn't so corageous to do that ; so he decided to put the children in a basket and leave them in the river Tevere. The basket who was pushed by the current, after some time stopped in an area which is the actual Palatino . Here children were found by a she-wolf that brought them with her till when a shepherd whose name was Faustolo found them and he brought them at home and he raised them. When they grew up Romolo and Remo came back to Alba Longa where they killed their uncle Amulio. Numitore became king again. The brothers decided to found a new town. A name for the town had to be chosen but neither Romolo nor Remo wanted to give up; so after a terrible quarrel Romolo killed Remo and the town was founded by Romolo who gave it his name and he himself became the first king of Rome.

The Eolie islands

The Eolies, as the legend tells us, have been created by Eolo, the god of winds. They are seven isles situated in the province of Messina and they are : Lipari, Vulcano, Stromboli, Panarea, Salina, Alicudi and Filicudi. The islands were submarine volcanoes emerged from the waters around 700.000 years ago in this order : Panarea, Filicudi, Alicudi, Salina, Lipari, Vulcano and Stromboli ;the latter is probably 40.000 years old.
Many archaeological sites have been discovered in all the islands (this means that they were inhabited during the prehistoric age) exception done for Vulcano which couldn't be inhabited because of its continuous and intense erptions of its crater.

Catania is cool ! ! !